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1The standard level of dust-free workshops is usually divided into ten levels
 Hits:2058 AddTime:2024/5/31 15:45:36
The standard level of dust-free workshops is usually divided into ten levels, each with stricter restrictions on the number of particles in the air.

Level 1 dust-free workshop. Usually used in precision industries such as manufacturing integrated circuits, it is required that the number of particles greater than or equal to 0.5 micrometers per cubic meter of air should not exceed 10.

10 to 1 level dust-free workshop. For each level of reduction, the restrictions on particles in the air are stricter. For example, the particle count limit for a 10 level dust-free workshop is no more than 1 million particles of 0.5 micrometers per cubic meter.

In addition, there are other levels of dust-free workshops in the ISO standard, such as ISO level 2 to ISO level 9, which mainly target the number of particles greater than or equal to 0.5 microns in the air. The difference between different levels lies in the upper limit of particle quantity.

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